This Week’s Adventures: We learned that animals and people can leave behind clues as they move about. We were “nature detectives” and discovered many of these clues.
Favorite Activities: We learned that “C” is for clue, caterpillar, and other words, too. We used our imaginations during a special sensory story at circle time and did a track matching game. We counted, measured, and drew animal clues and shapes during our hike. We found: deer tracks, raccoon tracks, a feather, holes, chewed acorns and walnuts, spider webs, and tons of “Wally tracks” (Mr. Wally’s tractor tracks!).
Next’s Week’s Theme: Ready for the Harvest
Try this at home: Go on a shape hunt in your back yard or at a local park. Take pictures of the shapes you find and make a book or photo collage. Label each shape or make up a story to go with the pictures, enjoy reading together. Some children may want to write the shape words themselves!