With all the precipitation and thunder storms this week, we decided to explore the water cycle. We talked about what we know about the cycle and shared with each other. We knew some different places water can be stored (ocean, river, puddles, lakes, ponds) and even learned a few new ones (underground, in plants, and in animals). Looking up at the sky we saw rainwater precipitation, but we talked about other forms of precipitation such as snow, hail, and sleet. We sang a song to help us remember our water cycle vocabulary: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Storage, hhhuuhh!
We were able to create our own water cycle in a bag to take home. We labeled the bag with evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Then we added some water to be stored in the bag and a drop of blue food coloring. We sent the bags home with each Forest Dreamer to have them hang the it in a sunny place, where the heat will begin the evaporation. The water cycle will continuously happen in the bag and everyone can observe the water cycle in action.
In honor of the Thunderstorms that many Forest Dreamers heard the night before, we read a story about overcoming fear of the sound of thunder called Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco. We learned that if you start counting after seeing a lightening flash and continue counting until the thunder claps, you can estimate how many miles away a storm is. We used watercolor to create our own rain/thunderstorms in our journals, using colors to represent the thunder and lightening. Then we were so inspired by the storms, we used instruments to create our own thunderstorms! Video of our thunderstorms can be found at: https://photos.app.goo.gl/uFVvmnNYgUVIai3a2
We also explored clouds and condensation. We read a story called Little Cloud by Eric Carle, which explored the journey of a cloud as it changed into many shapes. It eventually condensed with the other clouds in the sky to make a big raincloud and created a rainstorm. We did an experiment with a shaving cream cloud, where we slowly added colored rainwater to the shaving cream and watched as the ‘cloud’ became saturated. As more water was added, the cloud became so saturated that it had to release the water and ‘rain’. We also created puffy cloud paint and had fun making cloud art in our journals.
While on the trails at Irvine we explored all the places that water is stored. We noticed that one of the wetland ponds that had completely evaporated the week before, had refilled with all of the rainwater. We talked about how important these water storage areas are for animals, and looked for animals that rely on them for habitat. We found tons of frogs and tadpoles that could not live without that water storage!
- Adding Water to the Cloud
- Baby Birds!
- Bringing the Water!
- Catching Tadpoles
- Caught a ton of Tadpoles
- Cloud Experiment
- Cloud Paint
- Cooking in the Kitchen
- Creating Clouds in our Journals
- Cutting Grass at the Wetlands
- Eggs in a Nest!
- Enjoying the New Instruments
- Feeling the Water
- Floating Boat
- Frog Eggs
- Fungus Decomposers
- In the Kitchen
- Journal Time
- Journaling
- Launching his Boat
- Leading the Morning Song
- Loving the Tadpoles
- Making a Rainstorm!
- Making Blueberry Muffins
- Making the Cloud Rain More
- Observing Chipmunks and Birds
- Observing Tadpoles
- On the Dock
- Playing in the Water Stored in the Pond
- Pouring Tadpoles into Bigger Container
- Removing an Overhanging Branch
- Secret Recipe
- Showing our Tadpoles to Field Trip Students
- Showing the Field Trip the Frog Eggs
- So Many Tadpoles!
- Story about Thunder
- Talking about Aliens!
- Telling Mrs. Karen about the Water Cycle
- The Cloud is Saturated and it is Raining!
- Thunder Time!
- Trimming the New Growth Back
- Trimming the Trail
- Washing the Bridge
- Water Cycle Bags
- Water for the Tree
- Watercolor Storm
- Watercolor
- Watering the Tree
- Wetlands!
- Worm Hotel
- Worm Wiggling up the Arm!
- Adding Water to our Experiment
- Adding Water to the Clouds
- At the Wetlands
- Building a Home for a Toad
- Caring for the Toad
- Catching Animals off the Dock
- Catching Tadpoles
- Caught his First Tadpole!
- Cloud Painting
- Cloud Story
- Clouds in Journal
- Creating a River
- Creating Watercolor Storms
- Finding Shade
- Finger Painting
- Forest Dreamer Friends
- Forest Dreamers with a Toad Home
- Forest Dreamers with a Toad
- Hiking in the Heat
- Hiking
- Holding up her Tadpoles!
- Journal Time
- Journaling
- Leaf People!
- Making a Boat
- Making a Rainstorm
- Milkweed
- Morning Meeting
- New Facial Hair
- Off to the Wetlands
- Puddle Water Storage
- Rainstorm Instruments
- Scooping
- She’s Gone!
- Snake Visitor
- So Many Tadpoles!
- Story Time
- Tadpoles!
- Tadpoles
- Taking Care of the Toad
- Toad Home!
- Turning into Leaf People
- Water Cycle Morning Meeting
- Water Storage
- Watercolor!
- WaterCycle in a Bag!
- What did we catch?
- Worm Hotel