Nature Preschool is feeling powerful! The children love super powers and heroes. So this week, they were especially excited to discover that creatures in nature all have powers that make them special. They are called adaptations. We brainstormed about different kinds of powers and then thought about which animals have might have them. Which animals can fly? Which can walk up walls? Which have night vision? We enjoyed having Irvine’s naturalists visit our classrooms and share more about animal adaptations. The children met live animals such as an owl, snakes, turtles, millipedes and hissing cockroaches. What a wild week it’s been!
Some of our favorite class moments:
-The Chipmunks were excited to learn about the power of worms! They discussed how worms are incredible super heroes because of their composting powers! They checked out the compost bin and went on a worm hunt! They also read, The Lorax and made a variety of truffula trees inspired inspired by Seuss!
-The Foxes were excited to meet Irvine’s wood turtle. They noticed he was missing a foot and our naturalist explained he may have lost it when loose fishing line wrapped around his leg. Later on our hike, the foxes found a piece of fishing line on the trail! They were quick to throw it away and felt like real heroes of the Earth, saving turtles at Irvine!
-The Coyotes were so excited to make a list of powers! A class favorite was “walking on walls.” We met the millipedes and watched them crawl upside down! They also enjoyed designing their own super heroes inspired by animals!
-The Bears hiked to the stream and spotted signs of spring along the way – birds, buds, butterflies and more! They enjoyed a special visit from an Irvine naturalist, who introduced them to a lovely hedgehog and taught them how to use their bear super powers!
-The Flying Squirrels glided down the access road where they traced their bodies, “wings” and all, and decorated super sized version of themselves! This inspired a game they created called, “Munchietown”, where they all had to escape as fast as they could! A class parent shared an extra special moment with the class when they brought in their baby chicks! The children loved stroking their soft feathery down.
-The Rabbits had a new friend join their class! They explored the outdoor classroom and went for a hike. One day they started the story, The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, inside the classroom. Later they went for a hike and finished under the sun in Irvine’s meadow. They had fun designing their own super hero headbands and were ready to save the Earth!
Next week we will continue to explore the power of the natural world! We will look more into creature adaptations and also the powers within all of us! What powers do humans possess that make us special? We will find out! Until then, check out the super good time we had in our galleries below!
In the power of nature,
The Nature Preschool at Irvine
Outdoor Exploration
- Spotting letters on a trail sign!
- These two are showing off their super strength!
- The bird blind is getting more active now that spring is so close!
- The Coyotes found this amazing tree! They called it their castle! Lots of fun imaginary play happened here.
- The whole fox class climbs on a tree.
- A loose vine hanging from a tree is fun for tug of war.
- The flying squirrels spread their arms to get traced on the access road!
- The coyote gals smile as they serve some nature bread!
- They draw gliding “wings.”
- These two help each other do a log roll.
- She notices that the sky is blue like her color swatch.
- While balancing on logs this little fox spots fungus among us!
- Drawing on the outdoor easels in the outdoor classroom.
- Flying Squirrel girls smiling together.
- Put on your coyote ears and take a moment to listen to nature.
- Balancing on the trails.
- Outdoor art is as simple as taking a paintbrush to a mud puddle!
- Mud painting a tree.
- Soaring in the sky!
- They are searching for friends hiding in the tall grass.
- Relaxing on the mulch pile is a must after a long hike.
- Work together and use your super strength!
- This fallen log is a shortcut from one trail to another.
- Spring is here and colors are popping up outside. We did a color hunt in the meadow!
- Look at these great matches!
- The Flying Squirrels run down the access road for their next adventure.
- Friends explore the trail.
- The Rabbits take a class picture!
- The Chipmunks read a story outside.
- Revealing his animal track.
- New friendships on the trail.
- This impromptu game involved placing natural items on a log, covering them with a leaf, removing one and having the children spot what is missing!
- The foxes read a story in the gazebo.
- We used rubber animal track stamps to make prints in the mud.
- We visited the compost bin to learn more about the power of worms and composting!
- Whipping up some nature stew in the fox class.
- We notice what adaptations the hawks have at Irvine’s aviary.
- Tipi building in the bears class!
- Balancing on log piles!
- Snack outdoors is both pleasant and tasty!
- The bears explore the wetlands!
- Trying to spot a critter.
- Hole Peeking
- We practice jumping as far as we could like the powerful rabbit!
- Rolling stumps with the chipmunks!
- Miss Karen, Nature Preschool director, comes out to join in the play!
- Spring buds are popping up all over the trails!
- The bears explore the stream!
- This little rabbit has transformed into the Lorax!
- Rabbits climbing in the outdoor classroom.
- Super Headband
Discoveries in Nature
- The trees are blossoming!
- The children called this the “skunk cabbage family.”
- Spice bush blossoms smell too!
- Patterns on this moths wings look like big eyes. They are used for protection and intimidation!
- We noticed the differences between these butterflies, moths and other insects.
- Worms!
- A little snail found in Irvine’s Woodland Garden!
- Bloodroot
- Up close and personal with a salamander friend.
In the Classroom
- The Chipmunks work together to make safety signs.
- Sorting foods that can be composted.
- Truffula trees in the sensory bin.
- Several classes read The Lorax this week!
- Butterfly Provocation
- Making Exoskeletons using old cardboard and aluminum foil.
- Exoskeletons In Action
- Butterfly and Moth Provocation
- Painting the large “eye” pattern on butterflies.
- Touching a millipede.
- Framed burlap serves as excellent dry erase board.
- Butterflies flutter around them room!
- Sensory play in shaving cream!
- Playdough Creations
- Observing her playdough and gems a bit closer.
- Playdough Smiles
- A parent brings in chicks from home! How exciting!
- Observing moths, butterflies and other insects.
Special Guests
- Miss Laura and the Screech Owl
- Mr. Steve shows off the taxidermy armadillo. Check out that armor!
- A parent joins the class to make soda bread while listening to Irish tunes.
- Moms climbs trees too!
- Mr. Steve shows the foxes a snake!
- Miss Katie shows the bears how to use their animal powers!