YOUR CHILD WILL LOVE SPENDING THEIR DAY OFF FROM SCHOOL WITH IRVINE’S AWARD-WINNING ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATORS FOR A DAY OF EXPLORATION AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITY! Days are filled with animal encounters, science experiments, hiking, nature crafts and more! Day Off Camps are for children age 5-12.
Theme: Indigenous Peoples of the Chesapeake – In celebration of Indigenous People’s Day, we will commemorate the Native American tribes of the Eastern Woodlands for all they have taught us about connecting with the environment and using our natural resources sustainably. We will hike to Irvine’s Native American Site where children will get an insider look at Longhouse and Wigwam replicas that pre-colonial Native American tribes would have lived in. Participants will develop a respect for Native American culture as they learn about tool use, clothing, food, fire-making methods, and even games that are different than we see in today’s world.
Instructors: Irvine’s Environmental Educators
Time: 9:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost: $110 per child (member discounts apply – Pacesetter level and above)
Day Off Camps run throughout the school year. Future dates include: November 13, January 15, February 9, February 19, March 25, April 10 LEARN MORE