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Bauer Explorers (FOR 5-9YRS) – Monthly Enrichment Afternoons

March 12, 2024 @ 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Event Series Event Series (See All)
$37 – $45

If you are looking for occasional classes for your homeschooler, Bauer Explorers is perfect! Join a small group of nature loving kids, as they learn through exploration, throughout Irvine’s 211 acres. Offered select Tuesdays throughout the year. Register for a specific date or for the year-long series and save! Membership discounts apply! All classes are drop-off.


This 2.5 hour class is designed to connect children with seasonal nature study, creative arts and messy maths exploration. We promote respect for plants, animals, the land, and each other through a nurturing environment. Hikes, live animal encounters, and open-ended wild nature play are integral to our learning each session. Non-member price: $45/session  

  • Sept. 26 – Water Wonders: Stream Searching Explore the stream and meet some amazing amphibians!
  • Oct. 3 – Water Wonders: What’s in our Waterways and Ponds? A wetland hike will offer students plenty of opportunities to test water quality and search for macro-invertebrates.
  • Oct. 24 – Colors, Colors Everywhere: Fall Foliage What is a season? What’s happening to the leaves on the trees? Hike and discover answers to these questions create fall inspired art.
  • Nov. 7 – Time to Move: Fall Migration & Adaptation Where do animals go when it starts getting cold outside? Learn about migration and adaptations as we look for animal tracks and clues on trail.
  • Feb. 6 – Tapping for Sap: Maple Magic Learn the amazing steps to make Maple Syrup. Taste some fresh sap from our buckets and enjoy a tasty treat!
  • Mar. 5 – STEM: Nature Style Bridges, catapults and fractals! Oh my! Search for clues about Nature’s engineers.
  • Mar. 12 – STEM: Forts, Shelters and Nests How do animals stay warm? Learn about their cool techniques to engineer a debris shelter or birds’ nest.
  • Apr. 2 – Bird is the Word: Comparing Raptors with Songbirds What kinds of birds live at Irvine? What do they look like and sound like?  Meet a raptor and compare it to the song birds we hear as we fly on trail.
  • Apr. 9 – Signs of Spring Embark on a Spring scavenger hunt to notice the tiny and huge changes this season brings!