Cultivating Community

A campaign for irvine nature center

For close to 50 years, Irvine has been a community resource for nature exploration and inspiration. As the largest independent nonprofit environmental education center in the Baltimore region, Irvine connects children, adults, and families to nature by providing access to the outdoors on our 211-acre property.

Irvine’s Cultivating Community campaign is a $6.5 million expansion and renovation project that will further solidify our position as a key destination for nature-based exploration and a leader in environmental education. By investing in Irvine, you are providing access to nature for all on our Baltimore County property for years to come.

Supporters of Cultivating Community will help Irvine Nature Center achieve:

In preparation for its 50th anniversary in 2025, Irvine wishes to expand capabilities to accommodate a growing need for access to nature for more children, adults, and families on Irvine’s 211-acre property.  Access to nature is critical to the health of our diverse community and our Cultivating Community campaign is about connecting more people to nature in all seasons.

Serving thousands of diverse audiences each year on its campus through robust nature-based programming and events, Irvine must make the necessary changes to manage recent growth to remain a vital community resource for years to come. To continue being an effective educator of students and steward of nature, the space must grow with us, and our expansion plans support these efforts. Our new facility will provide additional classrooms with centralized gathering spaces, which will help meet the demands for growth in early childhood programming and accommodate more young children on their journey to connect with nature. A second floor, all-season space will allow us to fulfill numerous requests for public events and programs, opening doors to nature for more in our community.

Renovations to the Exhibit Hall will provide expanded space for our resident Animal Ambassadors. Exhibits will showcase the natural history of the Piedmont region, the trails and property at Irvine, and the importance of protecting our planet. The revamping of this space will significantly enhance the experience for all Irvine visitors and program participants.

We invite you to join our campaign, help open doors to nature, and create a legacy of environmental stewardship for the next generation. To learn more, contact Brooks Paternotte, Executive Director at 443-738-9229.