After a gorgeous summer, The Nature Preschool at Irvine is almost back in action! The past few weeks the teachers have been working extra hard to revamp the classrooms! We have made cubby names, painted furniture, picked out some new toys and restocked our cabinets with art materials! This year the class names have been inspired by mammals. We have the Chipmunks, Bears, Flying Squirrels, Rabbits, Coyotes and Foxes!
The downstairs classroom got a major makeover! The tree mural has been repainted and some bright green leaves have grown on it over summer! There are lots of new fun colors on tables, chairs and cabinets! There even were some new curtains sewn for the windows!
There are new faces in the downstairs classrooms too! Miss Emily and Miss Devon are teaching the Chipmunks on M/W/F mornings. Miss Meghan and Miss Emily will be teaching the Flying Squirrels T/Th mornings. Miss Meghan and Miss Sophie are teaching the Rabbits T/Th afternoons, and Miss Emily will be leading the Bears M/W afternoons!
The upstairs classroom is getting ready to accommodate our first year of full day classes! The Coyotes will meet every M/W/F with Miss Monica and Miss Meghan! The Foxes meet on T/Th with Miss Swati and Miss Monica!
We are anxiously awaiting the first day of school! We are ready for another year full of outdoor adventures, connecting to nature and bonding with our new preschool family! See you soon!