We have now visited Sinclair Lane twice for their Green Club meetings. The first visit just so happened to be on February 14. What better way to start being Green then by writing love letters to Earth? We shared what we loved about Earth and what we promised to do to make the world a better place. Some examples were remembering to recycle and to pick up trash from the ground.
To end the visit we helped update Sinclair Lane’s Green Club board and we posted our Valentines for the whole school to see.
Then, on our second visit, we discussed ways to be green: Habitat Restoration, Energy Conservation, Pollution Prevention, Solid Waste Reduction, Energy Conservation, Structures for Environmental Learning, Responsible Transportation, and creating a Healthy School Environment. The students completed an activity that would help improve the habitat around the school for some birds. We made heart-shaped bird feeders.
- Mixing up some bird food.
- Molds at the ready.